[News] Why Solar Is Much More Costly Than Wind or Hydro
By Mike Orcutt on October 22, 2014
It’s no surprise that if environmental costs are considered, renewables—particularly wind power—are a far better bargain than coal power. But it might surprise many that according to a new such analysis, solar power lags far behind wind and even hydroelectric power in its economic impact, at least in the European Union.
Energy costs are rarely viewed through this lens, though it is more common in Europe than in the U.S. and other parts of the world. The study, commissioned by the E.U. and conducted by Ecofys, a renewable energy consultancy, considered the economic costs of climate change, pollution, and resource depletion as well as the current capital and operating costs of the power plants.
See more on: http://www.technologyreview.com/news/531841/why-solar-is-much-more-costly-than-wind-or-hydro/